The Whole Truth

Step Three is about commitment. Most compulsive overeaters find it difficult to keep their word. ~ Voices of Recovery (Kindle Location 1396).

I spoke with my sponsor Monday,
told her of a person talking to me
about lies, about deceit, about secrets.
Her first reaction, amazement, a question:
Are you sure you’re the one to counsel on this?
Of course I am! Lying is my speciality.
Lying I understand. I swear in people,
and I understand what it means,
that whole truth, nothing but the truth bit.
Not that I manage to live by it. Oh, I intend to.
But I fail, and I give excuses. I never bring up
my shortcomings, divert attention
when others do. And sometimes play fiction writer
when that’s not what I’m doing.
But the temptation to lie is obvious.
When I don’t want to admit I’m slipping,
I’m failing, I’m trying to fly on my arms
and eschew available wings. So today I resolve
to tell the truth, the whole truth,
nothing but the truth…and to recover.

Copyright: ginasanders / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: ginasanders / 123RF Stock Photo