Some … describe integration as walking into a dark room, closing the door, and talking to each lingering trait. We visualize such traits as people-pleasing, addictive thinking, confusing love with pity, and judging ourselves harshly. In the darkness, we speak […]
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The Cost
The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run. ~ Henry David Thoreau That makes what I think of as “stupid […]
Continue reading »Accentuate Your Assets
We all have assets. Maybe they don’t seem as numerous as our liabilities, but we can identify our assets and work to accentuate them each day…. It becomes a challenge, one that we’ll enjoy, when we decide to emphasize our […]
Continue reading »Impotence or Potentiality?
Man is as full of potentiality as he is of impotence. ~ George Santayana Potentiality: the possibility of something happening or of someone doing something in the future. It’s related to impotent but there’s more meaning than the familiar word “impotent:” […]
Continue reading »Self Assessment
Honesty is telling the truth to ourselves and others. Integrity is living that truth. ~ Kenneth H. Blanchard Do you tell yourself the truth? How honest are you in answering when you’re asked, “How are you, really?” Does it make […]
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