Some … describe integration as walking into a dark room, closing the door, and talking to each lingering trait. We visualize such traits as people-pleasing, addictive thinking, confusing love with pity, and judging ourselves harshly. In the darkness, we speak […]
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The Cost
The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run. ~ Henry David Thoreau That makes what I think of as “stupid […]
Continue reading »Impotence or Potentiality?
Man is as full of potentiality as he is of impotence. ~ George Santayana Potentiality: the possibility of something happening or of someone doing something in the future. It’s related to impotent but there’s more meaning than the familiar word “impotent:” […]
Continue reading »Self Assessment
Honesty is telling the truth to ourselves and others. Integrity is living that truth. ~ Kenneth H. Blanchard Do you tell yourself the truth? How honest are you in answering when you’re asked, “How are you, really?” Does it make […]
Continue reading »Hula Hoop Treasures
I can only handle what’s in my hula hoop. ~ D. K. My sister’s mother-in-law once commented she and her sisters thought their parents could do anything! All this time later I recall the description and see the wisdom it […]
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