Honest Self-Observation

Meditation is just one way of facilitating honest self-observation. Daily reflection and journaling are others. Discussion with other people is also critically important. However it comes to us, self-observation is necessary for an honest discernment of our position in relationship to God and attachment…  Although my cosmic intent is sincerely for God’s will, I am not so free when it comes to the small specifics of my life. ~ May, Gerald G.. Addiction and Grace: Love and Spirituality in the Healing of Addictions (p. 168). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

This fellow, Gerald May,
made such sense I wanted to quote him
more the further I read,
like: “a matter of bringing ourselves,
just as we are, to God, just as God is.”
then “Honesty before God requires
the most fundamental risk of faith we can take:
the risk that God is good,
that God does love us unconditionally.
It is in taking this risk
that we rediscover our dignity.”
We can learn honest self evaluation
through meditation, reflection,
journaling, discussion, or
honest discernment.
We even discover who we really are.
But even as we begin to break through,
we may find lack of desire to turn over
the details!
I’m ready to try honest self observation…
at least give it a try! What about you?