
Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.
Continued day after day, not for a while, not just the good days but really
continued, good  days, embarrassing days, go out and eat worms days.
Continued to list good actions, room for improvement thoughts, all the attitudes.
Continued routinely like brushing teeth, evening pills, locking doors, lights out…
continued to see better actions in similar situations, less hostility to his habits,
continued to see less desire to answer, to fix, emotions with food, with old behaviors,
continued to grow in serenity, in harmony with the world and its people,
continued until you realize it happened automatically, without a plan.
Continued in my bed, in a hotel, at a friend’s, in a bedroll in the forest.
Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.