An Empty Trunk

I look at my trunk where I used to have a lot of junk – and it’s empty! ~ Renee GaskinI k

Trunks of junk, drawers of junk,
boxes of junk, piles of junk,
clutter and litter and heaps,
muddles and jumbles and messes…
I have lots of junk. It comes tiny
like pixels and massive like furniture,
mattresses, clothing, worn out stuff
but too good to toss. I have tons of junk.

I know how to declutter. The rules…
haven’t used it in years, it’s gone.
Couldn’t find it if I wanted it, it’s gone
(at least when I find it…)
Act like I’m moving, pretend I’m gone
and my kids are stuck with the job.
Just do it.

I’ve got habits, catch phrases, solutions…
tried and proven false, favorites for days
I’d rather never see again, resentments,
fears, phobias, sore spots. I’ve got junk
in the trunk of my head. How can I rid myself
of the junk in my trunk? Twelve simple steps,
willingness to go to any lengths,
surrender, and turning it over.
It’s time to rid my life of the junk in my trunk
because I never want to claim it again!
