What Is Forgiveness?

What does forgiveness mean?
Not forgetting – short answer, but more.
Forgiveness is understanding another
as flawed human. It’s assessing
actions that addressed his needs,
even if meeting those needs stomped on mine
and my feelings, my financial security,
my self-esteem, my personal relations – on me.
Forgiveness is understanding our fellow folkA Cloud of Witnesses
as human. If she’s wronged me, I can see
she didn’t act because of me, but her – her needs.
And forgiveness doesn’t mean putting yourself
out there again, vulnerable, to open a way
to be wronged again by the same person
doing the same thing – or even other things.
Don’t try to be a bosom buddy.
But let her go, drop the resentment,
the obsession, the anger.  Don’t imprison
yourself by waiting for her contrition.
You need your wings, unclipped.