When We Have Truly Taken Step Three

Once we compulsive overeaters truly take the third step, we cannot fail to recover.- OA 12 and 12

What does it mean yup truly take a step?
to truly take THIS Step?
“Came too believe a power greater
than ourselves Could restore Is too Sanity”
When you come to believe…accept, trust,
conclude, even suppose? Deem, perhaps…
regard or consider in a specified way,
that way being that a power superior to me
could (might, possibly will or is able to)…
It’s not required to be a foregone conclusion
just an acknowledgement it’s not beyond
thought. And what a prize if you can make it that far!!
A guarantee that the promises made will come true.
Recovery beyond wildest dreams.
A new freedom and a new happiness.
No regret the past; comprehend the word serenity
and know peace. Extravagant promises?
We think not. They are REAL if we really
take the Third Step.