Our Real Journey

Our real journey in life is interior; it is a matter of growth, deepening, and of an ever greater surrender to the creative action of love and grace in our hearts. Never was it more necessary for us to respond to that action. ~ Tomas Merton, September 1968 Circular Letter to Friends

Living in the now!
The past is past and can help
as we talk to others, as we share
the steps we took, the path we walked.
The future we cannot see, cannot choose,
cannot count on. The present is, well, a present!
It’s all we have, all we need.
But it’s a present we have, one we carry with us.
Our real journey in life is interior;
it is a matter of growth, deepening,
and of an ever greater surrender
to the creative action
of love and grace in our hearts.
Never was it more necessary
for us to respond to that action.
Are you growing? Are you discovering?
Are you surrendering to love?
To grace? To the creative action in your heart?
It’s time to find that creative action,
timeĀ  to respond to it! Now!!! Today!