A Fearless and Searching Moral Inventory

We blame our circumstances on others.
We were not at fault. The world was against us.
Then we found our way into these rooms,
the Rooms of Recovery. We wanted what we saw,
and we started doing what they said to do.
A searching and fearless moral inventory?
When we heard we would list resentments,
what fear could that bring. We could list
people who’d hurt us back down to childhood!
Easy! We knew the list! But What?
We need to tell OUR PART?
Wait a minute! Or some years!
But it came to be for every resentment
we played a part, often starting the conflict…
And by the time we got through the Steps
we knew we held the keys
and if we loved where once we had provoked
the whole world could be turned around
and life would be filled with peace
and with joy and love would be center
in our new way of life!

Image Copyright : Nuttawut Uttamaharad