Rolling with Punches

“How is it that you have nothing to say about Pearl Harbor? How can you roll with a punch like that?”
“Well,” replied the yearling, “each of us in A.A. has already had his own private Pearl Harbor. So why should we drunks crack up over this one?” ~ AA World Services Inc. As Bill Sees It. A.A. World Services, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

Today I am so glad to have a patient God, so that when I finally say, “Not my will but Your will,” God steps in and sorts things out in ways I never would have imagined. ~ Family Groups, Al-Anon. Courage to Change—One Day at a Time in Al‑Anon II. Al-Anon Family Groups. Kindle Edition.

Our generation might replace
the Twin Towers for Pearl Harbor…
How do you roll with a punch like that?
Can we like the A.A. member quoted
also say we have faced personal devastation,
our own Twin Towers and can roll
with the punches in the news?
Was your turning point moment
that dramatic? In that moment
or as you came to understand God…
or know you could not…
Can you say, “God steps in
and sorts things out
in ways I never
would have imagined.”?
With that kind of God we finally can
roll with the punches
no matter how devastating
they would seem facing them alone.