“I’ll get away with it.”

I can get caught up in negativity, resentments, or complaining. At these times, I am focusing on the way things should be according to me! These attitudes eat away at my abstinence. I am thankful today that I can recognize the danger of an attitude of resentment. Today I know there is nothing about which to be negative, resentful, or complaining that makes it worth breaking my abstinence. Nothing! ~ Overeaters Anonymous. Voices of Recovery for August 11.

Five hundred sixty-seven days
since I stopped counting time in program
rather than real abstinence…
since truth be told there were
too many make-believe days
during most of the years…
It’s a record I want to hold onto,
to extend, to respect but that doesn’t mean
the tug isn’t there, the siren call
of the drive-through windows
is silenced. At these times,
I am focusing on the way
things should be according to me!
I want to make another two hundred two
then add some more years to the two…
It’s still not a given.
But I know there is nothing
about which to be negative,
resentful, or complaining
that makes it worth
breaking my abstinence.