It’s a Relationship Problem

Anyway, I said something about not being equipped to do well in relationships. Then the weight-loss came up…and she says, “You know, that’s just a relationship, right? One with yourself.” ~ Patricia M.

Relationship: [1] the way in which
two or more concepts, objects,
or people are connected,
or the state of being connected.
[2] the way in which two
or more people
or organizations
regard and behave
toward each other.
The issue of weight,
of addiction to food
for compulsive eaters like me,
or to alcohol, to drugs, to gambling…
to our curse — is it a relationship?
That makes sense, a relationship
with our scourge, our curse…
but then again is it with the addiction?
Or is she right it’s a relationship
among me, myself and I?
We thought it was, that willpower
was the answer, that we were weak.
And we learn it’s still up to us,
that we surrender to a Higher Power
and somehow we’re no longer
tied to the whipping post,
subject to scourging.
“You know,
that’s just a relationship,
right? One with yourself!”