From All the Common Strings

But the lover’s power is the poet’s power. He can make love from all the common strings with which this world is strung. ~ Amelia Barr

Making love using
“all the common string
with which the works is strung,”
What holds the world together?
Friendship, family, chance encounters…
hearing news that folks are suffering,
unknown to us but a part of it all…
Animals, pets or wild, part of our lives
for the moment in time,
children playing at the park
under watchful eyes, friends
by the time they climb a slide,
babies waiting noisily, shy teens
aware of others, ready to know them
but afraid to speak…
ordinary people making love
from all the common strings
with which this world is strung.


94906262 - bright texture. knitted cloth. fancy yarn. buculent thread. knitting from bright multi-colored threads.