For a Balanced view

For an honest, balanced view of myself, I take a few moments in which I free my mind of everything except God’s love for me. ~ Overeaters Anonymous. For Today (Kindle Locations 1501-1502). Overeaters Anonymous, Inc.

God is love.
God made me,
and me, particularly,
not just having made a template
and stamping out another copy.
God made me, created me sui generis,
one-of-a kind. God doesn’t make mistakes.
God intended me, so God loves me.
I am worth being loved.
“For an honest, balanced view of myself,
I take a few moments
in which I free my mind
of everything except God’s love for me.”
What a dare. What an undertaking.
How distant from my self-awareness.
God loves ME!! Who am I to doubt
I’m capable of being loved?
Who am I to critique God?
God, I believe I’m lovable.
“I do believe; help my unbelief!”