Whoever Truly Works Step Three

Once we compulsive overeaters truly take the third step, we cannot fail to recover. As we live out our decision day by day, our Higher Power guides us through the remaining nine steps. When we falter, we are reminded of our commitment to live by God’s will alone, and we trust that the willingness and ability will come if we only ask for them. ~ Overeaters Anonymous. The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous (Kindle Locations 317-319).
If my abstinence gets iffy at times,
have I not truly done Step Three?
If we cannot fail to recover
does it mean we cannot fail
to be be abstinent, one day.
two days, each and every day?
What does “to recover” mean?
To be better, to be more peaceful?
To be perfect? The passage does not say so.
It says, “When we falter,
we are reminded of our commitment
to live by God’s will alone,
and we trust that the willingness
and ability will come if we only ask for them.”
So, we’re not perfect, but we know,
because we found it, the power,
the peace, the recovery
that comes through surrender.