Sacred Rooms

As the meeting format is read, I listen to the words and the pauses. The room becomes sacred; there is no hierarchy, no judgment, and an abundance of hope with unconditional love. I always feel much better leaving the meeting than I did when I came. – Overeaters Anonymous 3rd edition, “Humility, Gratitude and Kindness”


Where two or three are gathered together
then God is there as well. God told Moses
when he gravitated to an interesting bush
on a familiar mountain, “Take off your shoes,
the ground is Holy.” We come together
in an office building, around a kitchen table,
in a car in the midst of a blizzard because
the meeting room is locked. We come together
in a hotel room, an auditorium, two or three
or a thousand, into the Rooms of Recovery
because the room can be a rowboat or a cruise ship,
and since we’re together (even digitally)
we’re on sacred ground and the place itself is blessed
as are the gathered peopleĀ and an abundance of hope
fills each one there with unconditional love.