
What do I resent? The half of the population who disagree with me
on current events, those who aren’t careful to not convey their opinions
every single conversation. I resent those who treat me just as I offer
to be treated but didn’t really mean it. Those who think no more of me than I do myself.
My body who took what I gave it all those years and now acts abused.
My procrastination…chronic low-intensity fear. My holding the controls,
refusing to release them to ANYBODY including a Power greater than me.
I resent me. I’m angry that I can’t live Recovery as well as others seem to,
at comparing my insides to the outsides of others. God, grant me
the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom…willingness…to know the difference. Your Will not mine
be done!!!