Paying Attention

Now, in recovery, we’re learning to pay attention to how things work and feel, not just to what they look like. ~ Beattie, Melody. The Language of Letting Go: Hazelden Meditation Series (p. 299).

When we were powerless over our compulion
and living unmanageable lives, we reacted.
Reacted to emotions we didn’t know we felt,
forged ahead in our commitment to control the world.
We thought we knew the situation but had no clue
how the world, our circle, or anything meaningful worked.
But when we decided to surrender our lives,
our wills to a Power greater than we, we learned.
We learned to pay attention. Like standing at attention,
to pay attention requires more than inert humans.
We let the brain function by flexing our knees,
we stand not trying to control the scene but hearing,
seeing, absorbing, knowing. We learn the truth,
understand our own feelings and reactions
without having to prove anything.
We come to understand and to relate to life.
And in paying attention, our world heals.