Mad as Heck

Taking responsibility for my anger by admitting it is the first step toward a return to sanity and balance. ~ Overeaters Anonymous. For Today (Kindle Locations 1426-1427).

What is the source of anger?
AngerĀ is an essential source
of power and strength.
Anger lets us know.
This is who I am.
This is what I believe.
This is where I stand.
These are things
I will no longer do or tolerate.
Denying and avoiding anger
hurts the holder as does
using anger ineffectively.
Only in accepting anger
can it be beneficial.
Anger is a signal something
is not right.
Speak calmly, say
what honesty to yourself requires.
Take time to think and be calm.
You are responsible for your needs.
Others are not trying to hurt you
but to get their own needs met.
Turn your anger over to your Higher Power
and seek to do his will.