I May Bring

…that where there is error, I may bring truth— that where there is doubt, I may bring faith— that where there is despair, I may bring hope—… ~ Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (p. 99). AA World Services, Inc. Kindle Edition.

Look at the pairings.
error and truth
doubt and faith
despair and hope.
On word pairings if I were asked
he opposite of truth is false, not error.
So. is error false? Isn’t the difference
intention? Error is not deliberate.
It may be wrong but not calculated,
merely not hitting the mark.
Best intentions gone awry?
Relying on self rather than surrendering.
My will, not Thine?
What of doubt rather than faith?
My will again?
The third pair, despair and hope…
We know despair was the best we could do
on our own, without surrender. Before hope.
Before a Power that Can.
Lord, make me a channel of thy peace— t
hat where there is hatred, I may bring love—
that where there is wrong,
I may bring the spirit of forgiveness—
that where there is discord,
I may bring harmony—
that where there is error,
I may bring truth—
that where there is doubt, I may bring faith—
that where there is despair, I may bring hope—

Not my will, God, Yours.