I Learned It Is about Me

Thirty-five years ago I
was counseled five years,
seeking sanity. After
maybe a couple hundred sessions,
the psychologist told me
there was nothing wrong with me,
end a relationship and I’d do fine.
Maybe ten years later,
a different psychologist
another five years
and the same response again.
I don’t give up, another century,
another try, another counselor.
Different results. She was atuned
to recovery, recognized my part,
worked on changing me.
Eleven years ago she gave me a present,
Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition.
I read it, knew they were my people,
decided to thy it…after Christmas!!
Who starts weight loss right before Christmas?
God nudged me, I agreed about the food
I held, telling God, “This is stupid!”
December 17, 2006, I gave up,
found OA people, found my part
and have worked these years to become
Recovered, and the relationship continues,
with both of us better people.