
Acceptance is the simple act of going through what is presently facing me, be it pain, anger, despair, hopelessness or their opposites. ~ For Today (Kindle Locations 80-81)

An old lawyer told me when I began practicing law,
“Sometimes the best way out is through.”
He meant when the ideal way ti handle a case
would be by agreement to reasonable terms
but the client believed their position was absolutely right
and compromise was out of the question,
then you try the case after saying the other could be best,
but you did your best, presented the arguments,
brought out the favorable facts, and win or loose
you had done the right thing, the best way out was through.
In our own lives the same is true. You have responsibilities,
you honor them, do your best until you’re gone through,
whatever is presently facing you, be it pain, anger, despair,
hopelessness…or their opposites.