A Terrorist of a Higher Power

Food is a theorist higher power; it’s a tyrant is what it is. ~ Miranda O’D.
Al Qaeda have admitted they can no longer compete with fast food restaurants when it comes to killing Americans and will halt current terrorist activities to open their own burger chain. ~ Mostly Legitimate News Network, 06 August 2010
We all have a higher power, the source of help to which we turn
in times of crisis. If the solution to all and any problem in life
is food, that is functioning as your Higher Power! Most of us
who eventually ended up in Overeaters Anonymous learned…
eventually that HP was narcissistic, sadistic,
the furtherest thing from real help, a reliable source of guidance,
of logic…a total train-wreck. How marvelous to finally rebel,
dump the imposter and find a helpful HP, one worth our surrender,
our reliance, our trust. Thank HP for O.A., thank O.A. for HP!!