Too Taboo

9.  Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. – Step 9

My grammy raised me and her rules were dumb.
Once I got someone else to sign as parent
and got an abortion. She found out and asked
and I lied up a storm, finally convinced her I didn’t.
To tell her I did and I lied would injure her, you know…
she’d be disgusted with me, hate me, never trust her.
That’s what it means about injuring in making amends, yes?
When I was eight I stole a sack of candy from 7-Eleven.
Since I work there now, and I could get fired for theft,
maybe even twelve years ago, I can make anonymous amends, yes?
I can’t stand Bud. He drives me crazy, hangs around me,
talks to me, calls me his “bestie!” Please!
He does such stupid things! My major entertainment
is talking about him behind his back, but he’s too dumb
to even know. That one, I know, I should make amends,
tell him I’ve always thought him a buffoon, talked about him,
belittled him when he’s not there. That’s got to be okay,
to tell him what I’ve always done when he thought we were buds, yes?
No! You make amends to him by talking in praise of him,
by being the friend he thought you were. But you don’t tell him.
Now that’ s taboo.
