Things I Knew

May 4, 2011. I knew on that day
writing a poem each day, publishing it,
and getting people to read it
would be the ideal way to sell books!
We had written three – Slender Steps
to Sanity
by OAStepper,
A Time for Verse by Barbara B. Rollins
and A Cloud of Witnesses by both.
I know a thousand eight hundred
twenty-seven days have passed.
I know at
the list of posts published exceeds that
by five, that
lists exactly the 1827. I know I’ve spent hours
the last few days figuring out why the lists
don’t match. I know we really haven’t sold
a lot of our books, maybe not one a week
for two hundred sixty weeks, surely not
one a day. I know my life has changed,
my recovery bloomed and grown
through writing a poem each night,
publishing it each morning.
I know the good I expected didn’t happen
but that the good God expected…did.
