
Once we have become teachable, we can give up old thought and behavior patterns which have failed us in the past, beginning with our attempts to control our eating and our weight. ~The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous (Kindle Locations 121-122).

How do we know we’re teachable?
Able and willing to learn,
capable of being taught,
allowing something to be taught or learned easily.
It seems the key words may be willing and easily.
It seems obvious that willingness is good,
but is easily required? Probably we can learn
when repetitive statements are hammered in…
or we write them on a blackboard (my generation),
a whiteboard…or a computer without cut-and-paste…
but receptiveness must come into play or we’ve
participated in tedium sufficient to spark resentment
but not learning. With real learning, recovery results from
surrender, from a decision to turn our thoughts Higher Power
as we understand. teachable is not only Step 1 but 2 and 3 as well.

Copyright: thesupe87 / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: thesupe87 / 123RF Stock Photo