Stuck in the Mud

When life pulls you down,
obscures your path,
bogs your footfalls,
adds ruts to potholes,
captures you in its tendrils…
it’s easy to declare yourself
powerless over your nemesis,
that managing your life
is a pipe dream, that
any power that might once have been
has become flimsy, meager,
dubious…Yet dire as it seems, it’s mere illusion,
a sense of desperation adequate
to cause surrender, to turn to some greater
Power to steer you out, to rescue.
For that Power exists, ready, at hand.
You need only grasp it, ask for it.
mimic it as you see it in others
for soon, very soon, it to become vibrant in you,
to free you from the muck, to begin your better,
freer, suddenly meaningful
next great adventure.

“Roots,” by Frida Kahlo