Sharing the Mess

When people share the mess instead of the message, at meetings or elsewhere, I realize that I am not alone in getting things backward. ~ Voices of Recovery (Kindle Locations 3353-3363).

Sharing the mess, talking about what’s wrong,
not in the past but now, holds me in the problem,
blocking access to recovery, mine and anyone
needing to find answers, those trusting the group
to nudge them toward serenity. I must remember,
As you share your experience and strength in OA,
please also share your hope.
Please confine your sharing to your experience
with the disease of compulsive eating,
the solution offered by OA, and your own recovery
from the disease, rather than just the events
of the day or week. If you are having difficulties,
share how you use the program to deal with them.
I need to remember the wisdom available and be someone
available to listen and speak when someone listens to
If you need to talk more about your difficulties
and seek solutions,
we suggest you speak to your sponsor
and other members after the meeting.”
Let me always speak in meetings to share the message,
not the mess.
