Shared Character Defects

Shaming myself for falling back into old behaviors is an old behavior in itself, and it helps keep me in all my character defects longer.- Voices of Recovery July 2

Shams on Me! what awaste!

What could I Have done to bring on misery? The answer is simple.Not one darned thing. Was I stressed out?

Maybe, but Not as much as often before.

I can claim the shame and let it drag behind it resentments,lying, the poor-me

syndrome, shame, more Asner, extra Sony. No, shame does no good. Yet good does come from releasing it, from surrendering, earnest prayers for Serenity, for removal of character defects, asking a Power too take me, to me of the bondageofself as evidence to others I might help. Shane died no good,

just gives me a chance to move on the right correction.