
It is every member’s responsibility to protect the OA spirit of unity and mutual support. And, when it comes our turn to lead an OA meeting, tradition one makes it our responsibility to lovingly remind individuals of the group’s guidelines whenever the group conscience is being ignored. ~ The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous (Kindle Locations 1225-1227). Protecting the spirit of unity and mutual support.

How many members would agree
to lead a meeting if they grasped
that obligation came along
with reading a couple sheets of paper?
I remember few meetings of
thirty-five hundred or so where
it’s come up. But I do recall once.
He was new, the only time he came
but believed everything said needed his response,
his correction. And we were blessed
to have a longtime member there. I recall her careful
description of the procedures, her encouragement
to respect others, her gentle and loving tone.
He may not have benefitted but the rest of us
at that table did…and I’m guessing thy, like I
recall it still. It is my responsibility to be willing to lead
and to protect the OA spirit of unity and mutual support.

a father holds the hand of a small child on a green background
a father holds the hand of a small child on a green background