Outside Issues

Overeaters Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the OA name ought never be drawn into public controversy. ~ Tradition Ten

Eight-and-a-half years ago I attended my one and so-far only
San Antonio OA meeting. A member there wondered aloud
whether she could say what she wanted to, decided it was okay
and announced she was leaving town the next day to campaign
in New Mow many newcomers on hearing that
would turn their backs on OA? What good would it do?
In meetings here we often have patients of a “center
specializing in the treatment of eating disorders,
including anorexia, bulimia, food addiction, binge eating
and compulsive overeating,” We grow lax in pointing out
the failures to live up to this Tradition, but it is a violation
for them and for us. We can be supportive of their recovery
yet communicate it’s that center’s policies and not OA’s.
OA has no opinions on outside issues, either pro or con.