My Outside Enterprise

6. An OA group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the OA name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose. ~ Overeaters Anonymous Tradition 6

I call myself OAStepper
and write under that name.
Of course, I’m writing about OA,
my time in the program,
my recovery, what it means to me.
And I’ve made many friends,
OA friends, the people most likely
to get something from what I write…
I’ve done this a long time,
the writing, using the name…
publicly at least for five years.
I’m proud of what I write,
the books, this blog, another two…
Give me a chance and I’ll give you a book
but not anywhere, not any time.
In meetings of OA, large and small,
local and worldwide, I’ll not mention
this hobby of mine. I’ll tell you about OA
any time, any where,
but I’ve learned from folks who understand
not to tell OA about the writings.
I love OA too well to tell you about how well
I can describe how I love OA.
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