
OA, as such, ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve. ~ Tradition Nine

The groups I regularly attend know I find the statement
OA, as such, ought never be organized,  humorous,
believing we excel at this directive. But the OA 12 and 12
goes on to ask valid questions: Do we practice rotation of leaders
in our group? Do we discuss how rotation of leadership relates
to personal humility and the OA foundation of anonymity?
It can seem like when things are going well,
when we actually feel organized, why upset the applecart?
Nobody has a right to always lead, to handle the money,
to do the website or newsletter. Maybe the member who’s
always done “it” makes seem simple, makes us feel inadequate,
inept. ut rotation of service is what we do, who we are,
how we become who and what we can be and do.
When asked to serve, the answer is yes.
