Binge Benefits?

If you … find yourself going out of control with a substance or behavior, I want you to consider that compulsive behaviors are a sign of a life out of balance. Instead of going into denial or trying to avoid binging again, let’s look at a binge as a message from your inner self trying to tell you that something is wrong in your life, and you are unwilling to face the pain or do something about its origin.  ~ glotao

Why did you take that compulsive bite?(Or those 7,852,473 compulsive bites)?
You knew better. At the moment
you made the choice, before
the first indulgence, you knew better,
you wished you had the diligence to avoid it.
But you knowingly pursued the illicit joy.
Why? What emotions started it?
Exhaustion, I’ll show him! Anxiety?
She can’t tell me what to do!
Long established experience
reminds you what at some gave comfort
and the pull to repeat is strong.How strong?
What can you do to stop it? Call a sponsor, a food buddy,
read program literature. Agree with yourself
to wait an hour, and the emotions, given time,
lose their pull. Better still, pray or write it out.
If the binge happens, then what?
How do you deal with the misery, guilt and shame
as you realize that nothing has changed?
Use your writing tool and do a simple Fourth Step
with two questions: What in my life is bothering me
today that I don’t want to face? And what in my life
do I feel helpless to change? Share your findings
with yourself, another person, and your Higher Power.
