Ask Me How

I can tell you every concept to loose weight
known to woman. Or man. I know,
because I tried darned near all of them!
There’s the traditional dieting. Buy a magazine,
a book, find it online, just pick one.
Believe me, they all work. For somebody.
But not for the people who really need them.
They … we … stick to them completely,
obsessively, compulsively, perfectly
for a while. But the while may last an hour,
a day, a month, six months … but it ends.
Sometimes it seems we’ve got it conquered.
but no. The IT we must conquer is us.
our insanity of trying virtually the same thing
over and over and then again. But if you admit
that insanity, that tired old pat, that powerlessness
within that proves we can’t control food.
If we admit we’re addicts and treat our addiction
like that’s what it is…If we read recovery literature
from any addiction,  well, that’s the answer. That’s “how!”
Live the Twelve Steps, keep company with others who are!