Wide Arms

The Infinite Goodness has such wide arms that it takes whatever turns to it. ~ Dante Alighieri

Wide arms. To hug a whole world.
Big enough to include compulsive overeaters
along with anorexics and bulimics.
Large enough to include Jew, Christian,
Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist,
Sikh, Pentecostal, Catholic, Baptist,
Episcopalian, those who look to Thomas
and Alexander Campbell
whether they recognize their cousins or not.
People of faith, people of science, people
who see no conflict between the two.
Recovery groups of fleeing addiction
to countless actions and cravings.
One wide world, united even amid fighting,
a single entity united by fitting within the embrace
of the Infinite Goodness who can hold them all
no matter what name they may give themselves
or that Infinite Goodness.
