Two Masters

 No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. ~ Matthew 6:24 (NIV) ~ Idea from Joan B

Food is a master, a cruel tyrant,
a dictator willing to yield allegiance
to nobody, no creed, no rational thought.
Food will not tolerate a diet…for long…
but roars back with a vengeance
to reclaim its due, to assert its influence,
to enslave the compulsive eater.

God is a master, a kind and caring guide,
the absolute authority but one gentle, loving,
refusing to insist, there when we turn to him,
giving us more than we could ever find elsewhere,
but gentle, patient, all-knowing, caring,
tender, warm.

Food is a master and God is a master
but we can’t have both. We know which we choose,
for we’ve tasted the sanity, caught scent
of the promises, seen the potential,
but to serve God as our master
for this day, moment by moment,
we must choose the one we want to win
in the end.
