The Winter of My Discontent

Only when I surrender,
after desperation encompasses
and devastates, destroying hope
can I find the courage to step out,
to try what seems madness, to accept
that I can, someone else may know
even if they are normal…not even normal
but exactly what I am now, they have been
and I can see this in their lives,
in their words, in their telling my story
and claiming it theirs…Only in despair
can I venture toward the rebirth,
the spring when obviously barren land
yields beauty, peace, purpose, life…
When I can see it taking over,
becoming abundant in others
and maybe a small shoot in my own life
only then can I believe in summer
and in the possibility of a season
of harvest, of coming to fruition,
of accomplishing more than seemed possible,
reaching beyond any dreams
I could have dreamed.