The Nature of the Prayer

It doesn’t matter how you pray, just do it.
Yeah, sure. But what about what it says
about the second step?
What we were really asking God to do 
was remove our fat
while allowing us to go on eating
whatever we wanted,
whenever we wanted.*
Yeah, there’s that. The old,
I want a miracle and I want it NOW!
Sure, we can say anything we want to God
but like anybody we talk to
we’re more likely to get somewhere
if we’re conversing, not lecturing.
God always knew I was fat.
He knew I didn’t want to be,
that I’d be much obliged
if he just zapped it off,
made me perfect physically
and while he was at it
gave me a better memory for names,
made me use my time more wisely,
granted me my every whim…
He knew. And he knew better.
Even when I didn’t.
But he does know,
and when I’m reasonable,
communicating which includes
beaucoup listening and lots less
jabbering, then I really can receive
what I heartily desire, who I really want to be,
and not only I but the whole wide world
is the better for my doing it right.





The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous (Kindle Locations 204-205).