The Art of Living

The art of living is probably the highest form of personal expression: one is not concerned with who is behind or ahead, but rather with the enjoyment of now. ~ For Today (Kindle Locations 161-162)

We grow up competing…or at least we did when I was young.
Run faster, gather more pecans, score highest on the test,
write the longest paper, get more praise than my sibling…
I have no use for competition trophies, for not counting scores,
for praising everybody equally. Well, I do think we need praise
but sincere praise, an adult who seeks out areas where we do excel.
I’ve seen the harm in expecting excellence, in noting the lack
but failing to acknowledge how near we are or how far we’ve come.
But past growing up, past learning who you are, past competition
there’s more. That’s when it becomes an art. Living on your street,
ignoring the urge to control anyone else, satisfied, serene, joyful,
living, learning who I am and what I am and living it. Completely.

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