Our Real Purpose

Our real purpose is to fit ourselves to be of maximum service to God and the people about us. ~ Alcoholics Anonymous (Kindle Location 1188).

What a deal for a people pleaser! I can do that,
help all the people around me, be God’s sergeant,
passing on orders, filling in for God when he’s busy,
keeping his army running. Would that it said that!
But it doesn’t. I’m not to mold those around me
to be fit for maximum service for God. No,
I’m to make myself of maximum service,
and that could mean doing what others tell me,
taking orders from God second hand,
like from my sponsor or from a trusted friend.
This doesn’t say anything about cleaning the street
where others walk. I keep my side clean,
my ears attuned, and do what I’m told to
no matter who gets to be the sergeant.
