I’ll Show You!

You string together jargon
and pithy sayings,
mumbling through readings
nobody can decipher
and chanting parts of them
to prove you’re not asleep.
You speak of grandiosity,
of things I know darned well
could never happen,
would not, could not.
I know, because I’ve tried for years
and I’ve more intellect than the twelve
of you combined! Besides, that one lady,
waddling in, falling into the chair,
sprawled through the meeting,
panting for the effort of getting
from car to chair…how can you say
if she’s been here eight  years
your program works?
But you’re too dumb to understand
my arguments, my logic,
just let me demonstrate. I will sit here
for two months and do everything you say
and prove that nobody could get results
you talk about in this stupid cult
of a program that promises
