Claiming Attributes

Ask me to name one outstanding quality about myself, and I will hem and haw, knowing deep down that my best self-appraisal is unreliable. It seems safer to be derogatory than complimentary, to criticize rather than praise. ~ For Today (Kindle Locations 1497-1498).

Intelligence and education.
That summed up my positive points
in my mind for many years.
I’ve got those, can’t deny them,
for they’re well documented.
But there’s more. I’m a decent judge…
of character, of veracity, of people.
I’m a leader, capable of independent work
but able to lead large groups as well.
I’m a listener, and my analytical brain
can catch those threads most central,
the key. I write easily and well,
have become a decent editor,
have no need to be embarrassed
by those who think I know computers,
no reason to put down the compliment.
I am loved and I love, and I’m a friend.
I’m not all bad, but then again
my better qualities come to the fore
when I have the confidence, the humility,
to turn the unuseful ones over
when they harm my service to the good.

barbara hs grad2