But Do It.

Do it badly; do it slowly; do it fearfully; do it any way you have to, but do it. ~ Steve Chandler

A friend of mine identifies as a defiant perfectionist.
I’m not that. Sometimes it feels like I’m trying
not for perfection but to reach the heights
of mediocrity, to be the best at procrastination,
at making excuses, at doing the lowest acceptable job.
I know it’s not true, but it so feels like it!
What would I tell someone who looks to me for help?
Do the next right thing. Love yourself.
Be honest with yourself. Set priorities
then do things that need to be done,
don’t hide in the comfortable,
bask in the mindless. You have worth.
You have talent. You have abilities.
Use them. Do what you need to do.
One step at a time, but step.
