The Device of Hopelessness

I recognize hopelessness for what it is: my mind protecting me from disappointment. Hopelessness served at one time, but I don’t need that device today. ~ For Today (Kindle Locations 2353-2354).

Hope becomes a burden
when disappointment weighs
and builds and tethers
to the dead weight of past goals
shattered, victims to willpower burst.
The burden of hope erects a wall
of hopelessness, protection from hope
repeating the past, dismay and embarrassment
building, goading, clobbering the
mincemeat remains of hope.
When the process is changed
by setting aside willpower,
acknowledging lack of power,
accepting a greater source of power,
then hope has no role, for it’s not my business
when all I need do is surrender,
listen to instruction,
and do the next right thing.