Simple as Porridge

Haiku, as Jack Kerouac once said, should be as simple as porridge. Michael Dylan Welch

How simple is porridge?
As familiar as nursery rhymes
and mysterious as hasty pudding —
which turns out to be about the same.
Speak of oats – or some other grain —
boiled in milk or water…now that’s simple
and that’s porridge, so porridge is simple.

Recovery is simple. Really?
My first meeting, only one for twenty years…
gibberish, they spoke. Chanting, rituals,
insanity! Who could get anything from such?
But when they greet you, welcome you,
make sure you can ask questions…
when you sense some kind of hope
amid the gibberish, a tad of peace in the chants…
when recovery becomes comfortable – like oatmeal —
then it’s as simple, as familiar, as right
as pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold,
pease porridge in the pot