None of Our Business

Overeaters Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the OA name ought never be drawn into public controversy. ~ Tradition 10, The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous (Kindle Locations 2044-2045).

I probably have an opinion,
and you may, too. And if we do
and others don’t, can it hurt
to pass on our insight? Well, yes,
it can if we impose it, if we insist,
if it’s not the point but we make it so.
But I probably have an opinion
and I’m free to state it…except.
If I opine when sitting in a 12-step group.
Who’s to know if someone new,
someone shy, someone lacking in nerve
is turned off not just by my words,
turned against me, but leaves the rooms
and the hope they hold
for they cannot stand the thought
and in alienating myself,
I set them adrift from the hope
we hold so dear?

Slender Steps to Sanity
Outside these rooms I can recommend my reading materials, but I’ll be quiet about things I wrote not published by OA.