
Martyrs screw things up. ~ Ernie Lawson

Constantly suffering, displaying and exaggerating distress…
playing the martyr, afflicted by the abuse, the misunderstanding,
the lack of appreciation. Poor, poor pitiful me, I think I’ll eat worms.
But worms aren’t enough. Surely I deserve better. Who could question
my need for a bit of comfort in foods that sooth my soul?
I’ve the right to respect, to compliments,
to being appreciated when I work my fingers boney.
Maybe they didn’t ask, but I know they want it, and then ignore me,
despise me for being a bit testy when I wear myself out, when I do —
insist on doing – these things they so little recognize. Martyrdom fits me.
Or it did… Now I’ve given up striving to please. Now I simply do right,
doing what I know is my next right thing and somehow when I do,
appreciation and smiles flutter down like pedals in return.