“Expert” Comes from Experience, Too

In medical school, we doctors are never taught about overeating, certainly not as a disease. So we are prejudiced against it. Overeaters Anonymous is very successful with cases that haven’t responded to conventional kinds of treatment. This success is often threatening to the professionals because it’s difficult for us to see how someone who hasn’t had years of study and experience could be more successful with people we’ve been trying to treat, unsuccessfully, for so long. ~ William Rader, M.D. Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition (Kindle Locations 2915-2919)

From the beginning, before the steps were numbered,
one big truth was known, was gospel: One addict
talking to one addict can do what medicine never could.

We come to these rooms with intelligence, often with degrees,
with credentials. We could write the books about our problem
but only someone else who was in the muck, who was at bottom,
can reach through the “solutions” to touch the hurting inside,
help find the honesty, the surrender,
that gets the job done.

Don’t look for the doctorates, the alphabet soup behind the name.
Look for someone who has what you want and learn just how it’s done.

